Park History


- Murray City Pool is closed. A new pool opened at the college

- Dates are set for Calloway County Fair to be held at Murray City Park, from August 18th – 20th.  

- City of Murray votes to approve bonds up to $25,000 to maintain a system of parks.

- A decision is made to locate a new park on Chestnut Street between 8th and 10th Streets. This new property is 13 acres.
- Mayor of Murray, George Hart received telegram from President Roosevelt approving $49,697 for construction of Murray Park.
- Mayor George Hart reports the park project will start on November 23rd, at a cost of $480,545.

- The opening of Murray City Park  (now Chestnut Park) is held on June 8th with participation from the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and the Murray High and Training School Bands.

- More than 500 families to attend Farm Bureau Picnic at Murray City Park

- The Calloway County Fair is held at Murray City Park.
- Preston Ty Holland, Summer Supervisor, reports all tables and booths reserved for both noon and evening activities

- The Murray City Council voted $7,750 for new ballpark in southeastern section of Murray City Park

- Dennis Taylor, Principal of Murray Elementary School, serves as Summer Supervisor

- The Kiwanis Club donates playground equipment to park.

- Murray Calloway County Parks receives a plaque recognizing the Murray Park for “Excellence in the Field of Parks and Recreation for City under 20,000 Population”.

- Barry Polston is hired as full-time Recreation Director by the City of Murray.

- Barry Polston, Director, hosts Special 4th July event at Murray Park.

- Calloway Fisical Court voted to purchase Ryan Property for price of $150,000.

- Excavation began for a new pool complex, featuring 3 swimming pools. This aquatic facility remains in use today.

- The Murray Calloway County Park Board votes to close the park due to a $20,000 shortage, with a plan to reopen in the spring.


- The still popular Trade Day is moved from Drive In Theater to Murray-Calloway County Parks, where it remains.

-  Mrs. Sargent will take over Water’s School House for repair and upkeep.

- 10 acres of park isfertilized, limed, and seeded.

- The Kentucky Recreation Parks Society awards Murray-Calloway County Parks the Arts and Humanities Award for “Family Day at the Park, Freedom Fest 2000, Class VI, for outstanding contribution to the leisure profession.”

- The Central Park Disc Golf Course is completed. 

- The Kentucky Recreation Parks Society awards Murray-Calloway County Parks the Outstanding Program Award to the Murray-Calloway County Park Rangers.

- Murray-Calloway County Parks receives the Giving Back Engagement Award from the Murray State University Youth and Nonprofit Leadership Program, in recognition of commitment and service to others through volunteer engagement.

- A fire destroys the Bee Creek Soccer Complex storage facility and concession stand. Damage was estimated at $150,000.

- A new concessions stand is completed at the Bee Creek Soccer Complex, complete with restrooms and storage, following the fire in 2012.
- The Kentucky Recreation Parks Society awards Murray-Calloway County Parks the Outstanding Department Award for Class II.

- Saputo sponsors renovation of Field 3 in the baseball complex at Central Park.
- Community Financial Services Bank sponsors renovation of Field 4 in the baseball complex at Central Park.
- The Murray Bank sponsors renovation of Field 6 at Chestnut Park.
- The Rotary Club of Murray begins fundraising efforts to add a shell to the Rotary Amphitheater.

- Pella Corporation sponsors renovation of Field 2 in the baseball complex at Central Park.
- The Rotary Club of Murray breaks ground on the improvements to the Rotary Amphitheater.
- The Rotary Amphitheater Preforming Arts Pavilion is dedicated on July 19th, 2016.
- Lindsey Harlan hired as the first female Parks Director of MCCP.
- The first ever MCCP Adult Coed Kickball League is formed. In first season 4 teams would vie for the championship.

- 9 holes, each with two basket locations, added to the already existing Murray Central Park Disc Golf Course.

- MCCP Youth Flag Football League was introduced. 98 youth, ages 5-8, participated in the inaugural season.
- Ryan Yates is hired as the first African American Parks Director of MCCP.
- Field renovations are begun on Central Park baseball fields, including "skinning" all of the infields.
- The playground at Bee Creek Soccer Complex is elevated in order to combat seasonal flooding.

- MCCP receives Kentucky Parks and Recreation Society Award for Program of the Year- Flag Football Program 
- MCCP host "Heart of The Park" banquet where it received at $50,000.00 donation from Jimmy Rickman toward the ADA Playground in Central Park 
- MCCP break ground on the ADA playground (later renamed the Jimmy Rickman Playground) 
- Park Board votes to close the Murray Calloway County Pool due to a lack of funding and maintenance issues 
- The Park hosts a ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the Jimmy Rickman Playground for All ( ADA Playground) 
- The Murray Calloway County Park Board votes to close the park in February due to the concerns of COVID-19
-The park cancels it baseball, softball, and tball season for the summer and all summer events in the park due to the concerns of COVID-19 
- September the park re-opened for the public  
-MCCP start back with the operations of the baseball, softball and tball season. As well as other programs and event 
- MCCP was awarded an LWCF Grant to make the bathroom at Bailey Pavilion ADA, create a walking trail from the ADA playground to the bathrooms, and install a new toddler playground to replace the old existing structure.
- Saputo donated $25,000.00 for the new toddler playground 
- The City of Murray takes over operation of the park, ending the joint agreement between The City of Murray and Calloway County 
- Soccer fields lights are installed 4 of the soccer fields at Bee Creek and renamed The Murray Bank Soccer Complex  
- Journey Church donated $35,000.00 to replace the playground in Chestnut Park 
- Saputo Playground installed and open to the public 
- Central Park host Calloway County Bicentennial Celebration
- Murray Calloway County Parks receives donations from the community of over 1 million dollars to repair the pool 
- Murray Calloway County Pool re opened 
- Journey Church donated $25,000.00 toward a new playground in the 4 plex 
- Murray Calloway County Park host its first Community Expo 
- The new "FOR" Chestnut Playground open to the public 
- 4 plex concession stand was torn down and broke ground on new concession stand
- Broke ground on Pickleball courts